My Service offering is split into three distinct categories each requiring a specific skill set for which i posses the necessary life skills.

As a sole trader working on a budget i have to master & perfect a good number of skills in order to grow the business. I'm therefore offering my assistance in the office/business; to help grow your company. Read More

We as human beings spend most of our time eating, sleeping and working and therefore don't always have enough time to do the little things around the house that need doing. Read about my Home Service offering here

For those of us lucky enough to have a garden, there's nothing nicer than being able to spend quality time enjoying what it is that you've created. Some people prefer it to be an ongoing project that is never finished whereas most like it as an extension to the house. Whatever your reason you may at some point like to have some help and this is where i can help you. Read my Garden Services section here to discover more. 


For a no obligation quote please call

Andrew on

07746 366 372

 Public Liability Insurance held. Details on request
